Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My first big wow...

I thought I'd share this with ya'll because I thought it was really cool. There is a mom who works at my son's school that we've been involved in the kid's sports with for years. I hadn't seen her since I had surgery. Pre-surgery, she'd always recognize me when I'd pick up my son; she'd have him to the office before I'd even come in the door. Well last week, I popped in to get him and she asked who I was there for. Now, I've seen this woman for years so I was taken aback. I told her and then she asked who I was in relation to him. I was like, "ummm his mom?" And she was all suspicious and was like "really? you've lost a lot of weight! Can I see your ID?" She made me go back to my car and get my ID! Finally she called him and let me have my baby, and was totally complimentary and asked me what I was doing (she's all of a size 6 at best) and I told her that I'd had surgery and she said it was certainly working for me. It was really awesome! My best wow by far for sure.

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