Sunday, January 3, 2010

Two Months Out

Well things have been pretty uneventful here lately. I finally got over being sick but it took a good month. I'm not sure if I really had a bad bug or if my weakened immune system post-surgery took me down.

I can now sleep on my side with arms down, instead of having to keep them above my head; I was too big to do this before - it's like my arms didn't fit next to me on my side or something.

I can now shop in old navy and I fit in to their 2XL but the next time I pick something up I will pick up XL or L. I also tried on a pair of size 20 jeans (the biggest they have) and they fit with room so I think I'm in an 18 there. SUCH a relief to be not totally dependent on Lane Bryant!!! I picked up a shirt there (my first post surgery purchase) and paid $7. I've NEVER paid less than double that for a LB shirt. And people are just going to have to get used to my baggy clothes. I have tried to shop at Goodwill but can't get past the whole "other people have worn these" thing. For when I do decide to buy, I think it was LaShelle who said that she likes to buy things skin tight so she can fit in them longer and I think I will be a fan of that!

I've found that sugar makes me feel pretty crappy. I posted recently about testing my carb limits and found that carbs from bread or the like are ok, but anything sugar just makes me feel like crap. Good thing I wasn't a sugar person to begin with but there are still somethings I like to have but have to weigh heavily with feeling like crap - like a tasty peppermint mocha that I have waited a whole year for.

The worst part of the surgery so far is the morning poos. I'm just not in the right frame of mind to poo so early! LOL That, and it's the oddest most disconcerting feeling to have this empty sucking hungry feeling while on the top half while the bottom half of me is attempting to empty itself.

All of my anxiety issues are resolved. I've been seeing someone to talk through it and it's helped. I'm taking my husband with me the next time I go to talk through some things. Nothing major but major weight loss when both partners are heavy can be a blow to the one not losing so I want to get in front of any issues.


  1. Hi Jade. I was wondering if you minded if I linked to your blog? I've recently started 1 and would like to link to as many WLS blogs as possible if it's ok w/you. Also, would you be willing to add my blog link to your "links" area? I'll still add you (with your permission) even if you don't want to link to me. Please let me know. Visit my blog to check me out if you want.

    P.S. I apologize for this method of communication but wasn't sure how else to message you. I think I've seen you on


  2. Hi Mandy! Yep, I'm on OH - absolutely we can link each other. not sure how to do that but I'll figure it out. Also, sorry I didn't get back to you earlier, I didn't know I had a comment! You'd think it would email me. hmmmm. :)
